Second wedding gown – Fitting

Second dress,自己造簡單款,但卻替薯選了swallowtail,好像不太襯呢。沒所謂,是時候想想再看行chapel的婚紗,麗晶的那條,用來拍外景吧,或許起貨再考慮。

6月於Cocoon Bridal,中環雲咸街46-48號winning centre 3樓,電話25772122。(如無意外,若希望各婚紗店店員善待閣下,都請make appointment,很多公司是不會給walkin客試身的)不准拍照,試了兩條,一條是宮廷款式,薯說太誇張,另一條是直身少金halter neck,頗elegant。套餐4千多租兩套衫,couture加千五,三日兩夜外加每套每天600,計起來要九千多呢。

7月1日於鰂魚涌A出口對面,英皇道967號多寶樓1B(集友銀行樓上)的Fantasy Wedding試衫,電話25909078,班長Shirely好nice的。雖然薯淘意見一致,但各位朋友有何意見也請提出。租價數百至最貴好像是1080不等,造價千多至3千多。

fitting 相 slide

7月4日,我已經和薯講過,不要心急,反正很快有expo。但是,今天同友人Mandy到一間網友們說歐洲款多質地好的warehouse – Perfect Merge / Valse Bridals,(個網站長期under construction)於中環皇后大道中49-51號金銘大廈3樓,H&M 對面。電話25251665,可以試3件。甫一開門,已有眼前一亮的感覺,閃、閃、好多閃閃。拖尾要多長有多長,衫身要多閃有多閃,完全適合想rock the show的心態。很少三心兩意的我不斷問可否試多過3件,左挑右挑,那裙子卻瑟縮在燈影幽暗處,還是Mandy替我找出來的,好,第3件是你。其實每一條都很接近我常上網看maggie sottero的款,第一條有粉紅色腰帶,平時不會挑有色款,原來試上身真的很sharp,可V領可心領,Mandy說比較成熟。第二條是上身淺金色胸下有鍛帶A-line,buildin紗(不用綱的)連大拖尾,很漂亮。第3條,類似以上的style 1,即我和薯一致認同最好看的。my god,原來同樣是香港或大陸製,可以相差這麼遠。我第一次覺得有叮一聲的感覺,覺得不用再試下一間。buildin鯨骨,buildin pad,不穿girdle之下自覺slim,grand和confident,和試薄身料有天壤之別,果然價錢和質素還是有關係的。size 6 除胸口略濶和裙腳略長幾乎不用改,想立即開單,但Mandy還是說服我起碼試完下一間吧。我和salesladyAnnie說看完就回來。

近來好像不少網友search 入來看valse bridals 的婚紗,我發覺esdlife 有相簿的,原來我挑的是第8張相,其中一條signature dress,據聞太好賣已經暫時不出。^^

而Annie email給我的相就是這張,明知自己穿得沒有model漂亮還是一貼。沒所謂,反正穿上身感覺對就是了。^^
My gown

好,接著到Full Rich / Esmeralda Bridal ,利源東街9-12號利東大廈6A,電話21578868。亦是網友說價錢合理質素高的公司。沒有令我失望,如果之前一間是鑽石,這間會是珍珠,幽雅得很。法國lace、日本款、全絲、亦是只可試3件,sales Mabel還鼓勵我多試幾間,要比較過才知什麼是好嘛,她亦給了我不少意見呢。亦試了一條全絲,我似乎不夠修長,很難穿得好看,另一條長lace拖尾亦很高貴,最後是很簡單很girlish,不穿girdle比穿更合身的直身典雅款式,若再有quota買,這會是次選。:p 類似Reem Acra的這個款:

Girlish gown

離開Full rich,返回Valse。為何這樣急?因為湊巧7月4日及5日有75折,而我恐防薯明天還是要工作未能陪我,所以快刀斬亂麻算了。expo還是會看,但不必再試身呢,免得自己後悔。忘了說,這兩間的gown大慨仍然within四位數字(5-7k已有很多選擇),但穿起來已和歐美雜誌無異了,所以對質素和價錢均有要求的朋友,視乎自己想要哪種style,這兩間我都推介試。

7月10日,還是忍不住到The Wedding Shop,中環安蘭街11-15號中安大廈4樓,電話:25370322。試了三數條over 30k, made in Italy的Bellantuono、Stella Taylon ﹝即elisabethb內的AlterieCM creazioni﹞ a-line gown, buy off the rack 有around 8折。SalesladyBrenda亦很nice,不覺有白鴿眼,衫的質素自然是可以想像的。其實看過越貴的裙,便發覺越貴外面越簡單,你不會看到整件釘滿珠片或要穿一圏圏鋼紗的款。貴是貴在用料和剪裁,你會穿一張12人圓枱大的organza上身而發覺駁口位很少。話說回來,雖說大陸釘工很便宜,釘滿全條仍是幾百塊,但以3萬圓買一幅cutting漂亮的布呢,值不值真是見仁見智。我相信簡單款式會相當耐看,但first encounter不太奪目,不致於有衝動以數倍價錢轉款呢。又,他們還有代理Jenny PackhamDomo Adami

又,這種說法可能有人覺得是酸葡萄論,但認識不少人衡量一件婚紗的「好壞」在於Price及Origin,同一張婚紗照,你告訴她是國產,她只會說句cheap,只值數百塊,香港designer香港製呢,人工貴好多,過萬啦,意大利,那一定數萬了。對,我承認這顯示出她們對各地工人的工資有點了解。但不禁一問,why there is such a big difference? 她們會說「質素有分別嘛」。對,我認同質素有分別,但有否一百倍的分別呢?或者她們會說有,或「我等尊貴身份必須穿上尊貴衣服才相襯,才可於親戚朋友面前不失禮」。呵呵,只能怪我太天真,以為挑一件婚紗應該是適合自己才算好呢。國產質素參差,但並非沒有珍品,多試幾間細心挑選價錢和質素均合理的婚紗,亦是一種樂趣呢。

a bride


「Second wedding gown – Fitting」 有 92 則迴響

  1. congratulations ! glad to know that you find your “dream gown" !!! do you have any photos share to us ??


  2. I’d like to share. 不過知道冇得影冇帶相機,點知我落完訂,個女仔話好啦,比你影一張,激死。我有用電話影掛住o既相,不過好唔清楚。而且,都想留多少少神秘感,so show you after our Guam trip, stay tuned. 不過呢,原來件衫d質地真係可以令同一個款出嚟爭好遠o架,凈係online睇衫真係唔夠呢。
    雖然訂咗,但都仲好想睇埋LM, wedding shop, central wedding 等等,睇吓有幾值錢。& I can predict that definitely those designer’s product would tempt me more. anyway, I don’t have such loose budget呀. so the gown I’ve chosen has already maximized my satisfaction with limited resources. ^^

  3. 「Lady Cat」的個人頭像
    Lady Cat


    但感覺上好貴 ~_~


  4. hey, 唔係好貴咋,想知婚期可睇關島婚禮page第一行呢。^^

  5. btw, how much is it ? my friend will get marry by 12/07. She tried & liked the style 2 of fantasy wedding at QB. how much is your gown in VS ?

  6. sent you by mail, 等行完禮先開估。^^

  7. 好久沒有到訪,原來薯淘快將好合,恭喜賀喜。

  8. 謝謝,待好事後,再約出來食個飯吧。

  9. Hi

    你係唔係自己rent婚紗bring去abroad影pic?我都係唸住wedding abroad但係而家唔知去睇婚紗好定係去wedding abroad睇下佢地provide既適合自己定點,都好messy...請指教.


  10. Hi Jessie,

    我係响麗晶﹝WA 的裁縫﹞訂造一件,再買另一件過去。麗晶provide 雜誌,自己揀款訂造,效果未知。

  11. 雖然冇人估,都開估,估價那幅圖3萬樓上。

  12. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Wa, very detail ah. I like your gown also, the girlish one is also good ah.

    I find that there is exhibition at Kowloon Bay this weekend, I will go this Sunday, don’t know whether it is the same as expo at Wanchai ler? Would you mind giving me some suggestions? I know there may be some discount in expo, should I go to try gown in shops first then wait for the coming expo to confirm?

    Thanks thanks.

  13. 好似灣仔果邊大型d,expo有discount,但不一定是最掋,通常唔會低過8折,你可以試定款再compare價。但若果試果陣已經撞啱7折或75折,咁就唔好等expo喇。

  14. 我在expo 租新天地 由於外租差不多9日 所以埋單要近7000

    我2套 (一婚紗 一晚裝)

  15. confirm咗嗱?

  16. 「cliveviolet」的個人頭像

    我好有興趣想知道你係邊間訂造婚紗架…我覺得造得好靚呀…價錢又合理bow..希望你唔介意我問問題啦… ^^

  17. hi cliveviolet,


    我咪o係valse bridals lor訂造lor。我唔介意你問問題,不過若睇完成個post先問我會更開心。^^

  18. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    I joined a photo shooting in Taiwan yesterday at Kln Bay expo ah (haven’t planned to, but the sales are really powerful).

    Hehe, do you have any tips ler? (as you know many ah!)

  19. 呢樣真係唔知,雖然我好想影,或者你要去esdlife問吓其他網友lu。:)

    又,join 咗邊間,等我搵d相嚟睇吓。

  20. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    I have also read posts in esdlife ler. As most sisters (1) select a lady photographer or a male experienced one (saleslady says another one call Red suit my style wor) and (2) go to Taiwan end of March, I wonder if Red is ok and if there’s still flowers for April ler. I need some time to keep fit ma.

    It is Butterfly Green 蝴蝶.樹

  21. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    As i am worry I can’t get slim in 2 month, and they say there is no need to wear girdle, do you think wearing 束褲 can help me hide my 肚腩 ? And where to buy? The one you advised on the front page ma?

  22. 睇過佢o地d作品,都幾好呀。係唔鍾意studio,冇景可言。

    我覺得束褲幫助唔係好大,反而朝早排走體內多餘物資,食完早餐之後唔好食太多o野,飲一杯咖啡可以幫助排水,影相時挺胸收腹就是了。Full Rich Mable話要買的話幾十蚊貨仔就ok,乜牌子都係差唔多,反正平時都係唔會著。我係有次遇倒sogo減價時買,wacoal,應該唔駛一百蚊。


  23. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Actually I didn’t intended to take photos in Taiwan so I haven’t done any research on this. Just remember there is adv. in esd for this shop, and this was the first and the only shop I went in the exhibition.

    Totally agree, won’t take any studio photos (not difference taking in Taiwan & HK la), just lake, forest and flowers.

    Really? I drink triple expresso every day (to wake up) ler…..I thought 束褲 can help tim!

    Yes, I get your email, but I am afraid you will receive junk mails if I reply you using my yahoo account. I try to figure it out later, maybe upload to blog ler (need to learn how to do it first).

    Thanks a lot!

  24. 其實都唔驚,因為我個yahoo mail 已經夠多junk。;p


  25. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Haha, today I go to Butterfly Green to confirm booking. They ask me to try gown (coz they have rental service). I say no as I am too fat and it is still too far away from my B-day (not yet fixed Aug or Dec, coz can’t be sure it is rainy in Aug). They are very nice and ask me to try at least one.

    haha, I can fit on it ler, but of course need girdle to help, very happy ler. As I like tube top with A line, I think I need to do more exercise on my arm ler.

  26. 咁係12月穏陣d o既,幾時影相呀?


  27. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    I searched in website guam weather but it is only mentioned that it is rainy season, em, but i really don’t want to wait so long ah. Do you know any sister married in June to Aug?

    I tried to join Physical in Hk but they said no special offer for Macau……..there is only Physical here in Macau ler, need to source if there are any means to do more exercise la.

    I went to Tasaki and VCA yesterday. I love Tasaki at first then fall in love with VCA, can’t choose between Infini 3 Diamond (seems too thin), Thin 4 diamond (seems too thick and much more expensive) and New York (with 1 diamond and signature), really hard to choose ler.

  28. 好似ching2007係6月o架,但我都唔係好sure。其實一般只會係過雲雨,除非你極度唔好彩遇啱打風。但因為天氣o既o野唔能早成年預測倒,所以我o地揀12月。


    睇唔倒new york,唔知係咪唔屬於wedding band 果個catagory,4 粒石同三粒石個design好近,都係加埋都冇20份遠睇唔多覺果種。不過如果日日帶,要小心d光面位都幾易花。

    比我會揀eternity,亦因為石面唔會咁易花。只要唔係响VCA呀, Tiffany呢類鋪買,affordable。^^

  29. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    真係好心急呢,好難等到十二月,若果唔係太肥,又需時訂造婚紗介指,真想即係飛去!也許send email 問問Lawrence吧!

    多謝你常常專登上網俾意見我,我男友向來冇乜意見, very typical天秤座,問佢乜都冇反應架,好激氣!

    New York is wedding band, but not on website ah. Em, let me email you the photo later. 3 diamond one (Infini) is thinner, 3 mm thick, hardly can see the diamonds ler. 4 diamond one (called Thin) is thicker (in elevation and top view), can see diamonds clearly, but seems a bit bulky and much more expensive than Infini ah ($17100 vs $9900). New York cost $15000 also.

    Right, 好容易花仲要俾錢 for repolishing ler.

    Haha, yesterday I saw there is a VCA at Wynn, hehe, i can go there again to see.

    I know you will like eternity more, based on your wedding band I can see ler.

  30. 萬七?說老實話若你唔係非名牌不要,萬七可以買粒4個C都唔太差有埋GIA證書o既半卡石喇。不過話晒個人喜好,都係留返你自行決定。

    咁厲害咁你都睇倒,果隻唔係專登買,而係trinity set其中一隻,有興趣可以睇戒子果篇。薯果隻仲搞笑,係我亞姨送o既排石,唔係一對,兼且薯嫌貴重唔肯戴,而家已經改返細我自己戴。;p


  31. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Yes ah. 其實只係想揾plain啲,一粒或三粒石就ok,但去過周生生,好老土,又去過4C同Tasaki,Tasaki好D, smooth 好多,但都係好幼,好多碎石(但唔鐘意碎石),D石細到睇唔到,而且冇我想要嘅plain款.去遏Cartier,本來鐘意Love collection pink gold, 但我帶得唔好睇.唉!Tasaki有7折,最貴都一萬,加埋佢隻友石,萬五,而家萬五都買唔到一隻,好攪笑!

    不過4 Diamond 同 New York,個款幾特別,厚身得黎前寬後收番窄,估唔到我呢D手短又粗都帶到.唔想花三萬咁多,試嘅時候又真係唔知選邊隻好(三隻都差唔多),点算?

    有朋友係周生生做,0.62carat, D colour, VVS2, excellent, 心型,都係$23K, 未discount tim. Comparatively,好貴呀.




    上website,找到個講guam weather, 但全年都話落雨,八月仲日日落,十二月都係,真唔真呀,好攪笑!


  32. Good, 最鍾意d有做功課o既朋友!係ahma,雖然我係打倉頡啫,都要時間,我都知d文係長,但scan都唔scan吓就問,我又要重複咁答好攰o架。^^ 不過我都係衰,記得同事問我日文,我成日話呢句你第3/4/5次問我喇,anyway, remind 同話係唔同o既,唔同o既。呵呵。




  33. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    of course la, it shows my respect ma. d文係長冇問題 wor,大佬, 人地花明多心机時間精神累積咁多資料, 一下子我地就得到精讀喎!想簡潔,不如去官方網頁呀. Haha, 我也一样一,喜欢"你問過第3/4/5次喇喎,仲問?", 又鐘意寫minutes時加上"(20th reminder)". 佢地話我寸.唓!咁又唔做咗佢?

    I think VCA has its skill and technology, so the smooth feeling and non-bulky look is not so easy to made by other jewelry shops.

    Oh, you are Leo, haha, typical one? I think I am, very 心急, 一見到就即刻想擁有或行動.天蝎應該好過天秤,天秤全部優柔寡斷,不能下決定,hehe, 結果當然由我獅子王話事啦!

    咪係囉,應該一年四季都係適宜觀光嘅季節,冇理由成日落雨,一於問Lawrence先!這对我B-day 很 critical ah!

  34. haha,20th reminder,你d同事係真係唔記得?定你好心提吓佢咋?


    對獅子嚟講可能天秤好d,因為天蝎會同你爭權呢。我絶對唔介意獨裁,只要我是獨裁者。呵呵~ 又,薯响出發前唔知幾日都仲問我住邊間酒店呀、幾點鐘飛呀等等問題,激死。你果個優柔寡斷極都應該上心過佢,放心。


  35. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca


    哈哈,其實未試New York,想再試吓先,不過佢話唔鍾意有石.是嗎?看得出我揀了嗎?


    落雨都好慘!見esd有sister joined GW and go there in June, just ask her to see if she can get any information on weather from GW.

  36. 你defend VGA得咁「行」,仲唔係揀定呢間?anyway,款可以試埋New York先lor。我果個又係唔鍾意有石,話男仔帶石好怪喎,不過我覺得一粒半粒石皮冇乜問題,又唔係叫佢帶粒鴿子蛋。


  37. 而 似乎 momo ca 都係thro lawrence book 喎

    而真係因為咁 佢好多生意

    不過都岩既 做得好 多生意這件事是對的

  38. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca



    Hi, alijack,諗唔掂(see my worry on weather),所以未找Lawrence.

  39. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Do you think I can try gown even if i am not fit right now? Can I know your opinion on both Valse and Full Rich (I mean other than those you mentioned at top), what are their major differences and strength? Need to make use of the existing gown in Valse then adjust it with your views? Or something like what Mabel does in Full Rich.

    I know you like Valse more (else your gown wont be there!). As I think I will visit these 2 only, will you go the one you like first or put it to the last?

    Have you brought along some magazines to them showing the style you want?

  40. momo ca,

    如果你6月行禮的話,試定都啱o架喇。因為訂造需時1個月到幾個月不等,間間唔同。而且你話自己唔fit o者,其實要減咪都係果10磅8磅,改都唔會改好多。

    真係睇兩間咁少?haha,不過我所睇之中都係覺得呢兩間最值得睇。其實點解揀valse,先入為主,valse o既米黃色燈,唔太多婚紗而每條閃閃令,整體令我覺得warehouse嚟計都好grand lor,有d似wedding shop。﹝如果而家佢擺多咗款可能會逼咗。simple is elegant ahma,假設我係去expo先見倒佢個開倉格,真係未必會入去睇。﹞而由於我個size好接近valse o既display size,所以每件都好fit身,於是就覺得條條都好靚喇,我同果度位annie都係咁講。

    而去full rich 試時,白燈,有d裁縫工作室feel。其實fullrich d 款更多,佢d lace亦更特別,不過較少用水晶,而且因為唔啱身,所以造出嚟o既效果要imagine。

    睇得倒o既效果梗係好過估估吓o既效果,so valse win。^^ 而且當日valse 仲咁啱係25% off promotion o既last day呢。

    其他網友多數係兩間都要改,而唔係有discount的話兩間差唔多價。valse o既缺點係,無論你乜o野身型都話係造件6號size嚟同你慢慢改,不過佢o地聲稱所有lace位,駁口位都會跟返好喎,而fullrich係度身訂造,所以點解fullrich多人揀d。



  41. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca


    上星期行經金巴利道,看看有什么款(冇諗住入去),好恐怖,好多人.講真,太多款亦好難揀.所以貴精不貴多,人人都話呢兩間好,唔駛同人爭.同埋我覺得make appointment好D,唔駛爭.

    Valse 是warehouse嗎?米黃色燈,會令人睇唔清楚婚紗本身颜色喎!係唔係閃閃令好D,我見好多人選好多水晶,但我又唔覺你地好閃,反而覺得你地D lace好靚.

    明白,一試覺得that’s it就是.

    Fullrich也有頭紗可配,對, 有頭紗感覺好唔同.

  42. 客氣客氣。我都好怕咁多人,試身又比人睇住晒,冇私隠。

    係warehouse,都有裁縫响度。btw,唔係超黃燈,ok o既。;p 另,象牙色襯東方人皮膚多d呢。要唔要水晶好個人喎,影相細張o既唔係咁覺,大張都睇倒閃。實物覺同埋video有時會睇倒少少閃lor。我覺得條裙個型較details重要d,仲要睇埋唔同角度下點樣。chapel好多鏡頭係高炒落嚟,我條裙鳥瞰式睇落個花紋都幾靚。好多A-line都會幾靚,但直身無拖尾鳥瞰就會冇o野睇,anyway,呢點只係小問題。


  43. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    This is a sister posting in esd her gown made by Full Rich, I like the long lace tail very much. I aslo like yours and “Mrs. MCDull".

    What do you think?

  44. nice gown ^^

    chapel train (long train) for a chapel is a must la. haha, 但我嫌煩所以都唔要太長,麥兜太太係aline,我係straight slender,好唔同。lace train fullrich 同valse都不少選擇,放心。但你就咁講我比唔倒意見呢,如果有fitting相睇就可以大概話你知我覺得你著邊個style 好睇d。

    又,如果時間許可我都可以陪你去fitting,不過depends on你想唔想la。


  45. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    其實aline同straight slender係唔係只係裙形(下身)的分別呢?因為你的比較收身!我諗我肚腩大, carry唔到straight slender.不是要ok俾埋deposit先可以影fitting相嗎?我都好想影,因為試的時候一定太緊張揀唔到.

    哇!真的可以?會唔會煩到你?我諗我會過了新年先去,同埋考埋筆試(二月中,因剛剛報了學車).我諗,試了1st round, shortlist了,再看你有冇時間(怕阻到你,你知我多數Sun先係HK).

    Haha,收到幅相,好靚呀!睇得好清楚,我鍾意有flower pattern ga (not those only with patter好ns but no special character, don’t know if you know what I mean, can’t type chinese again, dono y). See, same same for Valse and Full Rich, very difficult to choose.


  46. 係呀,係下身。上身又有其他唔同領可以揀。係喎,影相我自己都係去fantasy先有得任試任影。



  47. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    I have sent my enquiry to Watabe and they replied saying the best season should be Dec, Jan and Apr, where Aug to Oct will be heavy raining. Seems a bit rush to make it Apr, right? Do you think i can make it?

    Actually those gowns I like are from Full Rich and valse (recently there are promotion for Full Rich in esd ler) and some from Coccon (magazine), LM, but they are expensive ler. I will try and send you the style I like.

  48. 只要你唔介意四字,覺得自己夠fit,禮服造得起,又請倒假攞簽證,都應該ok。btw, 點解唔係12至4月,而係12, 1同4咁有趣?

    有promotion咁好牙?如果四月你要快d 決定款喇。

  49. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    a, i have contacted Lawrence, very efficient. He give me some packages and tells me normally it is wet season in Oct to Nov, Aug should be hot instead of dry, though there are always shower rain for 20 min.

    Answer seems a bit different from Watabe (Dec, Jan, Apr). Yes, I wonder if it is a typing error but may be their intention is saying most customer go there in these months (public holidays) gwar, just a guess.

    Would you mind if I send you the package lists then you can advise me if there are any excluded items or what normal problems lie on so that i can check with Lawrence again?


  50. OK 呀,你send比我睇吓。

  51. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    I have sent to your yahoo address ah.

    Which hotel do you think is good?

  52. 收到你個email,我都有朋友需要,正好可以轉寄俾佢睇睇。

    btw, 你係咪揀定crystal? 如果係而又對酒店冇乜特別要求,我覺得跟返住hotel nikko guam掋d。我只係住過hilton,其他唔知。不過關島d酒店都係預咗整體service麻麻o地會比較好,始終美國人難以同日本人比較,anyway,個view正咪ok,海景房is a must la。btw, d房價好似貴晒喎,4日package係for星期五飛星期一返,若是星期一飛星期五返要比多一晚房錢。

    Crystal原來一日有8個時間咁多,唔好揀太晏時間,教堂內會好暗,13:00,14:30 或最遲16:00。

    st probus有長車坐,crystal有嗎?st probus 有香檳送,crystal應該冇。化妝師聽麥兜太太講可以request 日本人。90張相個人覺得足夠,若加加外景更好。但crystal d相唔會第日即俾你,要等幾個weeks。DVD都應該加。都係呢d items 啦,冇少,禮服首飾全部自備。

  53. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Thanks thanks. I have just sent another email to him for further enquiry.

    I like also St Probus because of its special mixture of stone, wood and glass, but my friends say Crystal Chapel looks “white" with a lot of glass and my boyfriend agrees, so most probably i will choose Crystal lor. Actually I think I should ask him to give me information for different chapels, as I know there are different inclusions for different chapels ler. No long car I think, based on what other sisters say in esd.

    I can see most people living near Chapel, I just wonder as they also mentioned Guam is small, if I rent a car then I can pick nicer hotel. But it sounds that those hotels are not good, so no big difference choosing either one? I have asked if he can reserve a seaview room also, pending his feedback.

    haha, I will pick 14:30 la, I am afraid of brightness ma. Most worry me is the rainfall now, sigh!

    Also requst for Japanese MUA, but 麥兜太太 had to pay extra ler.

    Some couples have photo shooting at beach, why it is only stated “in chapel and courtyard". And do DVD means “DVD", some mentioned video tape wor.

  54. 係呀,兩種唔同style,隨你喜歡,想睇chapel 上去watabe,WA 同 GW等網站都有介紹。

    租唔租車同你揀邊間酒店冇乜關係呢,你行禮果日都唔會自己駕車,而平時冇乜需要又唔會專登去參觀酒店。我話掋d係in-house guest 個package平千幾蚊ahma,當然如果你想玩幾日水上活動住PIC都好,而hyatt就好似最新。anyway, 都不過係一間用嚟瞓o既房。

    watabe就有VHS tape 同DVD disc揀,Century比你個package寫明DVD,所以唔會俾tape你啦。

  55. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    I have got his reply la, Lawrence is very efficient. He says all room in Nikko are with seaview. I think a japanese hotel won’t be very worse gwar.

    Also, I need to pay $1600 if request for a guaranteed japanese MUA, and World Bridal can arrange extra 90 min photo-shooting at 2 lovers point and beach (100 photos) at US$300. Do you think inviting Steven would be better? What is the major difference as I know there are 3 packages and one of which includes photo shooting last for 2.5 hrs and 3 locations and provides with MUA (correct me if i were wrong).

    I know it would be cheaper staying at Nikko. I mean I want to rent a car as many people mentioned that they drove to other chapels (though cannot go in) to take photos the day after the wedding.

    ah yes, he mentioned the local tour will include 1.5 hr sight seeing. Is it the same to you? As I remember you join the one (who ‘fight’ for customers) in airport.

  56. 我諗你可以問吓其他用咗world bridal extra photo-shooting o既人,但我聽落就覺得Steven 較多好評。我就係join3個location果個package,包mua,不過好似唔止影咗兩個半鐘,最後亦唔止3個location,詳情可以睇12月13日個日程。


    favour 個local tour 帶你去3個景點連k-mart,我o地去咗七個,仲可以early check-in 沖個涼換衫,詳情可以看12月10、11日個日程。問題係,只要你係through century book,我個導遊可以接你的,冇所謂。我都refer咗一d網友比佢,你要咪到時比俾埋contact你。佢成日叫我自己開agency tim,搞笑。

  57. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    But your tourguide is Gitour, not joining CO shall be favour ma (or I have mixed up?) Yet can find your guide ma?

    Lawrence told me it may take 1 or 2 days for preparation of legal marriage certificate. Then I need to Day 1 &2 Local tour + legal cert, Day 3 ceremony, Day 4 taking extra photo with Steven, Day 5 free time? I have not much free time wor.

  58. 佢接唔接倒你到時話你知。不過無論邊個接你都會有local tour,係爭在地點多少。

    自由時間係唔多,我諗你睇過我o地日程都知。不過,只要你齊料,你去果d department係1個上晝啫,其餘導遊會幫你pickup。

    day 1 飛機,day 2 上晝document,跟住local tour,day 3 中午開始prepare下午行禮,day4中午開始prepare下午影相,day 5 5點導遊會接你由酒店離開往機場,就係咁lor。day2、3、4 呢d時間你都係同親友分別行動o既。

  59. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    haha, I buy my wedding band today, because people say price will go up b4 CNY.

    Actually I am a bit worry about the legal doc. Because I have changed my name b4, and spelling of surname also (because my father family moves to other countries, and spelling are different, but we are Chinese ah), but I lost my legal document for this. As i have lost my birth cert. b4, I have put my ‘new’ name on the re-issue birth cert., dono this is acceptable or not. I will check with lawrence on this, hope he knows some hints.

    I find that CO packages are much more cheaper, but no response from CO for my enquiry via email ler.

  60. 估吓先,最後買咗4粒石?

    你「put」定政府「put」先?只要係英文,即使birth cert 個名同passport 唔同都唔緊要﹝薯都唔同﹞,只要係政府issue o既birth cert就冇問題,wedding license會跟birth cert 個名,但睇返CO個網站話要有改名紙。

    係喎,好似total會平一兩千蚊。anyway,若你聯絡到CO果邊都要睇返每間chapel可以加乜減乜,因為我見佢st probus 冇寫可加DVD,要問清楚果段時間係咪凈係得你o地,因為我同watabe講加dvd時,佢o地話任何人都可以加USD720加DVD,但佢話唔保證影唔倒其他人﹝佢意思係同時間可能有其他新人在場,因為我唔係through watabe book,佢o地唔知詳情﹞,但總之確保果個半鐘只係得你o地一對新人就應該冇問題。st laguna 就相片同dvd都另計。

  61. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Yes ah, I know you know the answer. Haha, we all know the answer based on what we said, right? He buys the plain one, as he doesn;t like diamond.

    The Govt ah. With both my old and new name on the birth cert. As I changed my name before getting Child ID, so my new name is on the ID card and passport. If they only base on what is stated in birth cert., don’t you think it is adequant w/o 改名紙?

    No reply from CO. Huh? Adding DVD with other people? How come? They should know what we want! Wow, you know everything, excellent!

  62. hey,「一生人一次」呢句說話自有其威力,即使如何精打細算,最重要o既戒子禮服,就算你唔係女獅子,大部份新娘子都唔會settle for less la,更何況石呢家o野,你有睇hsbc 廣告都知,大細同結婚時間長短成反比,真係,而家唔買等幾時呀。^^

    如果身份證同passport同birthcert都係同一個名,有理由相信唔駛改名紙。但我唔係us gov,唔可以肯定答你。幫你問吓導遊睇吓佢知唔知。

    呢點我都唔肯定o架,所以如果你contact 倒CO 你要問清楚呀。

  63. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Haha, yes. He says he doesn’t want me to e e em em the whole life. Huh? 成反比…em then I need to choose a bigger diamond for engagement ring la.

    I know, who knows what will happen ler.

    CO just reply me, saying as price will change for Aug, so they cannot send me the package wor, but ask me to give them information for reservation of flight first. Of course need to first having viewed the package la.

    Sigh! My colleagues just reminds me (1) cannot have B-day same as birthday (2) no lunar July (3) need to in “plural" month (i.e. Feb, Apr, Jun, etc) and (4) need to do all chinese ‘practice" or that will do harm to family…………I thought many people do not have chinese practice wor.

  64. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    oh, can you please also help me ask ask your tour guide on weather (June to Oct?) Just a try. Thanks a lot!

  65. 「Porkchop」的個人頭像

    Hi Momo Ca,

    The weather for June is OK. But for July to Oct, it is rainy season , it will have heavy rain & typhoon.

    Is it only U & your husband go to Guam ?


  66. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Hi, Porkchop. Some also say June is rainy season ler and some say it is ok all round the year. As I don’t want to wait until Dec, if Aug is not good, I think I may make it in June.

    Yes ah, 2 of us only.

  67. momo ca




  68. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Is it the purpose for 民政事務署宣誓 is to declare what I say (new name) is true? If they can do this, of course I will do this for guarantee ma.

    Thanks a lot for your help. I have checked also on calendar showing 吉日 in magazine, it says only 2&3 June is good….I am a bit worry as she tells me a lot of chinese practice.

    Agree. Actually my parents and relatives get divorce, so I do not believe that marriage can “hold" a man.

    I have asked him yesterday if we would defer to Dec, he says better to be early. Em…I will try to make it June.

    Thanks again!

  69. 導遊係咁講,我睇過民政市務署都應該係做呢d o野啦。

    所謂吉日,即係宜嫁娶o既日子。marriage 只不過係儀式,最重要梗係你兩個未來o既努力啦。

    話時話,我覺得我d service 好過agency,haha,就嚟可以自己開檔。

  70. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Yes ah, you can open a wedding agency and get all jobs from GW/WA. That’s why I wonder why Lawrence works in a travel agency but not open a wedding agency as he is so experienced.

  71. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    吉日吉時 for 中式 ceremony (which one?) or the day you have legal document in Guam or the wedding ceremony at Chapel ler?

  72. 如果你要搞埋三書六禮果d,就要揀宜納采o既日子喇。不過如果係你父母想,你叫佢o地幫你揀埋就得,唔駛自己諗。

    一般嚟講,application date 係星期二,邊日行禮,結婚證書生效期就係邊日﹝因為要等埋神父簽名先生效﹞。但我o地因為唔齊料,所以全部日子都係同一日,12月12日。所以宜嫁娶當然指行禮果陣la,我俾你果4日晏晝都宜嫁婜。

  73. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    So need to be Wednesday lor (Day 3). My colleague give me anther one from 楊天命 showing 18/6 is not ok, only 25/6 match with Wed (but not plural month “lunar”).

    If I need to make it in June, I need to try gown now as it needs 4 months. I have booked Full Rich this Sat (very full, only have 1pm and 1 hour) and Valse also, as I am afraid it won’t open in CNY and I have to attend driving lessons and go to expo the 3rd week of Feb.

    Do you think 1 hr trial is adequate? I think I can’t try 3 gowns and at the same time discuss with Mabel what I want. As I will have (driving) written test on 20/2, I think I can go there have 2nd trial afterwards, but no friends can go with me or they need to have annual leave. But I must make decision that day or else it can’t have 4-month for making gown.

  74. 唔知呢,唔同風水佬唔同計法。

    只係三條裙,好睇人,越三心兩意需時越耐,我就唔駛一個鐘都試完。^^ 擔心太多都冇用,可能今個星期六已經confirm呢。

  75. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    hi, I find this about Guam weather!

  76. so, what’s your findings?

  77. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    raining from June to Nov. Strange weather for Yr 2007 than previous year.

    I am upset yesterday, because of those chinese traditions. I find that 25 June falls into his father’s lunar birthday (month May). I can’t find a date meets (1) Wed (2) good day (3) not our and our parents’ lunar birthday (4) not rainy season. I think I need to give up. very sad.

  78. 哈,真係咁認真比答案我,我其實想話比你搵倒stats都係冇乜意思。;p

    give up o既意思係give up 唔去關島定give up 6月先?btw, 係咪真係有人介意呢?定係你自己?成年咁長實揀倒日,放心啦。

  79. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    Means don’t know what to do. His father is old, he will 介意 I think. Don’t dare to ask him, if he says no, what should i do. I have checked from Jun 08 to Jan 09, none matched.
    My friends say I should not listen to what others’ saying. I say I have’t asked, but they tell you, then I get worry.

  80. why? 乜stats都只係參考,no 100% guarantee。又重覆講句:「揀得雨季,預咗搏搏。」不過你做casino,賠率仲應該熟過我啦。

    haha 我諗你friend o既意思係,唔係所有人o既意見都要聽。﹝如果唔係佢咪自打嘴巴lor。;p﹞選擇性接收啦,要結婚果個係你,唔係外人。

  81. 其實,可以照去外國結婚,返來先再擺酒,大宴親朋都一樣得姐。


  82. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    haha, thanks you both. I am not working in casino, haha, my job is valuing the construction cost for building casino and hotels ler.

  83. 又,抱歉這兩天都不能陪你睇衫。

  84. 「momo ca」的個人頭像
    momo ca

    冇問題,已試了.Full Rich的French full lace已是我的所愛,只是上身我要plaint一點要小花pattern他沒有,但朋朋就和麥兜太太的上身小花pattern差不多,怎會沒有呢!有些失望!
    我想我已霸佔你的blog太多空間了,真不好意思,我不想常常麻煩你,所以要停筆囉!我也許會開個blog,再send條link給你! Best wishes to you and your husband.

  85. 不要這樣說,多些人留言,hits數才會增加的,所以不用擔心會霸佔我們的空間呢。 ^^


  86. momo ca,

    great to hear that. 到時記住send d fitting 相嚟睇。

    冇所謂霸唔霸佔空間,comment應該唔佔空間。btw, 你都唔係第一個留留吓言想自己開blog o既網友,到時比條link嚟睇啦。

  87. hi Jess and momo ca,

    你地好,我都係去guam wedding, 係VCA買介子(infini 3D for me and signature for my bf),又想係full rich 造衫嫁!
    jess, 今日去左valse係紅磡既 expo,都有見到你件衫呀,你著得真係好好睇!

  88. thanks Joey,

    睇咗你個blog,由羅馬轉去關島?um… 我o地開頭都有諗過去遠d,不過要多d人就真係關島方便。

  89. 係呀,因為有老人家,所以唔可以去太遠!而且無錢!計過數,成家人去羅馬真的天文數字!唉!其實我對於羅馬註冊同行禮做過詳細資料搜查嫁!最後決定唔去果陣depress左好耐好耐…………..因為我老公希望結婚要成家人一齊,一齊開心,一齊祝福我地,好warm 嫁!所以轉左去關島囉!依家仲好掛住羅馬嫁!
    今日lunch time 上左去watabe hk,,,佢地d衫真係好靚好靚呀!唉!唔睇由之可!睇左仲15,,16 tim!!!死啦!blue aster 又真係好藍woh!!! 你話見過有人d相好藍,可以可以send脾我睇下呀!因為佢d衫又真係好靚呀!

  90. 唯有遲d去羅馬旅遊補數啦。人o地o既相我唔方便send,但我post咗一張導遊影o既室內相去esdlife度,响返由零開始條線。人o既膚色你要想像吓,但個人認為唔自然lor,同樣玻璃教堂,crystal個效果好好多。又,watabe hk 同guam d衫唔同o架,唔sure 質素係咪相約呢,同埋响香港揀完要再去果邊揀過?會唔會要好多時間?

  91. hey, thanks for detailed sharing!!! i’m looking for THE ONE as well….for my next year wedding…hee hee

  92. welcome & congrats ^^
